Sunday 13 January 2013

Start the NY resolutions!

Wow, its another new year already. 2013.

I feel like time goes by so fast, like 2012 is already over... 
Sooo much happened last year. I made new friends, lost some old friends, passed my level 2, started art class, loved in vain (haha), discovered a hobby, still listening to music and learnt some really important life lessons throughout the year. 
Even though there were some really hard times, there was always the good times that balanced out the bad in the end. I feel like more bad things had happened last year but that's because I always forget the good and grateful things. But from the bad things, I've learnt and realised that things that are in your life are either a blessing or a lesson. 
For the year 2013, I really want to push myself to do my best and improve as a being so I'm going to list some resolutions. :)

1. Definitely study well, since it is the last year of college and I want to get into a good university!
2. Get fit and do more sports, I feel like I haven't done much sport over the years and this needs to change.
3. Get my restricted so I can finally drive on my own and get a car. :D
4. Pass my grade 8 piano, this would mean practising every single day. Sigh 
5. Work on my art and graphics whenever possible as this is what would help me in the future and in Uni.
6. Be a more positive person! I sometimes put myself down and thats not good for the self-esteem.
7. Make new friends and be friendly~ Who says you can't have more of these?
8. Read the bible more frequently in order to understand/be faithful to God more. <3
9. Limit gaming time, seriously do not want this to get in my way of studying. lol
10. Save money $$, if you don't need it, don't buy it. 
11. Lastly, make the most out of this year and life!

So these are my resolutions for the year but I'm sure more can be added on to the list but I just can't think of any more right now. :P 
Honestly, I've learnt heaps in 2012, some causing pain and some tears of joy, I'm sure this year would be the same but it's all part of life and just living through it. So stay strong and don't let others get to you and just continue to do what you love :) I really hope I can fulfill these and make it a brilliant year then!